Saturday, January 26, 2013

Review: The Farm by Emily McKay

Review: The Farm by Emily McKay

Not quite post-apocalyptic, not quite zombies, not quite vampires, and yet, definitely one of my favorite books OF ALL TIME.

Before I was a normal kid, in a normal high school, with normal friends. My twin, Mel, was different in the Before too, she still had autism, but she was... better. But then people began turning into monsters. Bloodthirsty, mindless, and hungry Ticks, whose had developed a nasty case of the munchies for teenagers. Mom didn’t have a choice, the Government said they could keep us safe, quarantine the youth of the nation until things were better under control. She couldn’t have known what this place would really be like.

Ever since we, along with every other kids of the area were quarantined to the Farm, Mel has become almost completely dependent on me. I have to keep her safe, I have to keep us out of trouble and as far away from attention as I can, because I don’t want either one of us to end up like the “troublemakers” that are tied up outside of the Farm’s fences.

 I don’t know what could make someone scream like that, and I definitely don’t want to find out.

I have to get Mel out of here. She only communicates through nursery rhymes now, and have the time I don’t know if she’s trying to tell me something or just mumbling nonsense, plus, if I turn my back for a second she’ll unpack our escape bag that has taken me months to gather supplies for. She’s so innocent. She doesn’t understand the danger that lurks behind every corner here, what the others will do to keep themselves safe. I didn’t know how I was going get us out, but I knew we had to try.

Then came Carter.

I knew him from the before, back in our high school. I may have possibly had a crush on him, and once in a while I though the feeling might be mutual. Then one day he was just gone. Now, after all that’s happened, I’m supposed to believe that he just showed up here out of nowhere, on the eve of our planned escape? I wasn’t the trusting kind in the Before, so I’m downright paranoid now. I don’t trust him, but he might be the only way I’ll ever get Mel out of here.

What I thought ( = 1 word ): WHOA!

What I thought ( >1 word ):

 I didn’t think I would like it.

It just sounded to weird and predicable, and honestly, maybe a little to girly. I mean, c'mon, high school crush pops out of nowhere to save the day, how... feminine and ninny-ish. It's a really good thing that I didn't look up the author before getting the book as well, as she is known for writing harlequin romances (If you can't tell, not my favorite genre). But, being the book-junkie that I am, I went out on a limb and bought the book. 

And then proceeded to read it within 24 hours!

The characters are engaging, you feel their adrenaline rush, the love between sisters, the urgency to escape the evil Farm, the betrayal from trusted friends, the horror of what our society has become.
If you enjoyed the Hunger Games, The Darkest Powers trilogy, or maybe even the Twilight series (hey, it’s a little girly, but the books are still good), then this is THE BOOK to read next.

Now, just to say you’ve been forewarned, the violence is graphically described, and I can honestly say that this book had a few gross scenes that made even my stomach turn a little (and that takes a lot, trust me). But violence aside (which, let’s face it, the violence is necessary for this type of tale), this is one of the best books I’ve read for a long time, and one I’m so glad I bought. I am eagerly anticipating the next book in the series, and you will be too. SO GO GET THE BOOK!!!


Overall :


4.5/5 stars, graphically violent but excellently written and practically impossible to set down. Definitely one for the home collection.

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Wednesday, January 23, 2013

Review: "The Woodcutter" by Kate Danley

The Woodcutter

If you like fairy tales, then The Woodcutter by Kate Danley will be a very interesting read for you! 

The Basics:

The Woodcutter is essentially the guardian of the magical forest and the liaison between the mortal Twelve Kingdoms and the magical Realm of Faerie.  The Twelve Kingdoms are populated by mortals, some of whom (mostly rulers) have fairy blood.  Some strange things are afoot in this magical land -- maidens murdered, pixies missing, and a mysterious house that appears and reappears at will.  As the Woodcutter investigates, all the pieces begin to come into place and reveal a sinister plot to overthrow all twelve kingdoms at once! 

My Reactions:

I found this book to be well written with a unique POV -- the Woodcutter is a title, but we never find out his name even though he's telling the story (the only bad thing about that was it made it a little harder to emotionally connect, but this may have been intentional).  While the suspense was mild, the evil plot against the forest was well hidden, and it took a while to figure out HOW the Woodcutter was going to fix it.  The kingdoms/forest was a great backdrop to the story, and I was very pleased with the way other familiar fairy-tale characters were integrated without being typical incarnations of themselves.  

Overall: an easy 4 stars!  If you like fantasy and fairy-tale retellings, definitely check it out!