Friday, February 1, 2013

A-Z Reading Challange

I just joined the YA Book Club on Goodreads and will be attempting the 2013 A-Z Reading Challenge!  In 12 months, I will read 26 books (at least 13 have to be YA).  In order to count, either the first word in the title of the books or the author’s name (first or last) should correspond with a letter in the alphabet (omitting “a” and “the” in the titles).  There are 3 exceptions: the letters Q, X and Z can be anywhere in the titles or author names (THANK GOODNESS!!).

So then, I've got my list together, but I haven't started yet and I’m already a month behind!

Some of these books have been on my Kindle for a while – languishing, unread, and neglected – so this is good motivation to get them read!  I tried to chose some fantasy, some paranormal, some historical, some scifi…the only thing I don’t really have is any normal, contemporary fiction, lol!  I like to avoid the real world when I read :-) 

Without further ado, I present my A-Z Reading List:

A) Anathema -- Megg Jensen
B) Betrayal -- Mayandree Michel
C) Cypher, The -- Julian Rosado-Machain
D) Den, The -- Jennifer Abrahams
E) Entangled -- Nikki Jefford
F) Fallen Star, The -- Jessica Sorensen
G) Genesis -- Jason Rowe
H) Hollowland -- Amanda Hocking
I) Ignite -- Kaitlyn Davis
J) Job From Hell, A -- Jayde Scott
K) Kindred -- Erica Stevens
L) Leopard Moon -- Jeanette Battista
M) Medium, The -- C.J. Archer
N) Night Marchers -- Rebecca Gober
O) On Little Wings -- Regina Sirois
P) Poison Princess -- Kresley Cole
Q) Prince of Wolves -- Quinn Loftis
R) Ravenous -- Erica Stevens
S) Soulkeepers, The -- G.P. Ching
T) Tiger Lily -- Jodi Lynn Anderson
U) Ugly Stepsister Strikes Back, The -- Sariah Wilson
V) Verita -- Tracy Rozzlynn
W) Way Life Was Forever, The -- Carey Corp
X) Entanglement -- Dan Rix
Y) Yseult -- Ruth Nestvold
Z) Zomblog -- T.W. Brown 

Do you like my list? What would your list look like if you did this?

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